
Lesson 4: Examples of the Use of Digital Tools

In this session, the use of digital tools in Venezuela’s “SOS Venezuela” is explored. Other examples explored include the “No to Mandatory Hijab” and “My Stealthy Freedom” campaigns. The global “Bring Back Our Girls” campaign (#bringbackourgirls) in Nigeria is among the case studies discussed in this session. Unsuccessful examples from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Ushahidi and Mapping, online appeals, and crowdsourcing are also examined.

In the first session of the Technology and Civil Organizing course, basic concepts in civic activism,...
This session explores the nature and performance of technology-based campaigns. Concepts such as hacking,...
This session examines the digital environment for civic activism in democratic countries, countries in...
In this session, the use of digital tools in Venezuela’s “SOS Venezuela” is explored. Other examples...
This session reviews the protests and civil unrest in Ukraine’s Euromaidan movement and its demands for...
This session discusses topics including conflicts between governments and civic activists, competition...
In this session, Nima Rashedan provides a summary of the lessons on digital safety for civic activists,...
In this session, recently developed tools such as the Cloud, Big Data, and common tools for activists...




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