
Center for Civic Ed: “Teaching Civic Education: A User Manual”

A hand holds chalk above numerous chalk-drawn children's hands

This manual, developed by the Center for Civic Education and translated exclusively by Tavaana, presents the best methods of teaching civic education. Divided into five parts, the manual:

  1. Introduces the importance of civic education

  2. Describes the type of school climate needed for genuine civic education and discusses the importance of good teachers

  3. Examines theories of learning and methodologies teachers can employ

  4. Provides specific examples of strategies used to implement the methodologies discussed in Part Three

  5. Shares insights from practitioners who have implemented civic education in various contexts around the world

This manual can be used by anyone looking to institute democratic practices in their lives and communities.

Source: Center for Civic Education

Tavaana Publications Click here to read Tavaana’s exclusive translation of “Teaching Civic Education: A User Manual.”




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