
Amartya Sen: “Freedom Favors Development”


This essay, written by Amartya Sen and translated to Persian by Tavaana, challenges the claim that authoritarianism may be linked to greater rates of economic growth. Sen, an influential philosopher and economist, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, examines the association between the absence of famine and the presence of political freedom.

Tavaana PublicationClick here to download Tavaana’s exclusive translation of “Freedom Favors Development.”



This essay, written by Amartya Sen and translated to Persian by Tavaana, challenges the claim that authoritarianism may be linked to greater rates of economic growth. Sen, an influential philosopher and economist, and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, examines the association between the absence of famine and the presence of political freedom.

Tavaana PublicationClick here to download Tavaana’s exclusive translation of “Freedom Favors Development.”





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