
Advanced Digital Safety

Advanced Digital Safety

This course raises the capacity of technology experts in Iran to international standards and equips them with pedagogic tools and techniques to effectively train others to maintain their digital safety on computers and mobile devices. Building on Tavaana’s Cybersecurity Manual and live instruction courses, this new course is pitched at a professional level, to webmasters, technologists and cybersecurity experts in positions of civic leadership inside Iran. Course materials will be continuously updated with the latest techniques for maintaining free access, security and privacy while communicating, publishing, networking, and storing data.

Lesson 1: Threats in the Digital World

Lesson 2: Leading Digital Threats

Lesson 3: Malware

Lesson 4: Computer Security and the Web

Lesson 5: Internet Filtering in Iran

Lesson 6: Dealing with Malware

Lesson 7: Security for Social Networks

Lesson 8: Security for Mobile Phones and Smartphones




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